With strength and mindfulness Maya and I cross over and land firmly on Grenada soil; soil that supports, embraces and enriches our arrival. But not before saying goodbye and giving thanks and praise to the past six months on Canadian soil spreading its roots and anchoring us to friends and family. Our last couple weeks before crossing over were spent saying goodbye at small and large gatherings; from dinners at the Farm to sharing gifts of love and gratitude with our room-mates Alex and Riley, to farewell socials and banquets with Coady community, to journeying by train and embracing mom and dad before taking the leap into our next home.
While in transition we were met with usual stares of confusion and delight.
“I know why everyone is staring at us!” Maya says after stepping through security at Toronto International Airport,
“Because we have so many bags!”
I laugh and make note of the stares which in my view are about the uniqueness of cinnamon and peach mama and daughter with their dreadlocked hair. The usual looks of delight and confusion; fear and judgement. A young black youth man smiles brightly, fist in the air “Rasta” he cries whole pushing an elderly women to her gate. A young wide eyed five year old staring up at Maya and I’s hair is pulled impatiently by her mom and told not to stare.
We touch down in Grenada after curling up on Trinidad’s airport benches for the night, breathing in the Caribbean air knowing we are home even in the waiting. Grenada Immigration Officer, “Why you standing in the Visitor’s line man? You are Home!” We are Home moving into our unique, colourful larger then large lives!
Theo is on the other end of immigration with a grin spreading wide like the Caribbean sea. We are reunited with village community and an extended family that now includes two pregnant goats, a new fairy goat called Elfie, a puppy named Opi, and a cow with no name. We embrace the welcoming vibes, “So how come you didn’t get fat in Canada?” “How you take so long to come Home!” “Maya you growing girl!” “We miss you man!”
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